With the end of my second year at university nearly finished, I can now return to blogging. I have been working on various new Fallout figure and scenery projects.
As you can see I have managed to convert some Super Mutants out of Zvezda Ring of Rule Orcs which I got from:
The weapons are from Wargames Factory plastics Zulus and the new 'Post Apocalyptic Survivors: The Men' set.
The bushes are from Timberline Scenics which was one of these:
http://timberlinescenery.com/home.php?cat=3 The office/factory ruins are from the Baggage rain, but have been converted adding extra floors and walls
The roads I have built by myself out of foamboard painted various shades of dark grey and flocked. I might create a post showing how to make these roads later.
 Below is a wasteland shack settlement I have been working on. The shack is built using corrugated plasticard and unscribed plank plasticard from Atenotici's Workshop: http://www.antenocitisworkshop.com/slaters-7mm-scale-corrugations-white-0-015-thick.html It still needs some finishing touches as regards painting. The round shacks are from Daemonscape. http://daemonscape.com/contents/en-uk/d3_01.html They do not come with an interior, but I built a basic interior for both using plasticard. The rubble piles are made from Javis Scenics wargames barricades with lots of green stuff sculpted around. Various tyres, plastic rods (planks) and pieces of foamboard (concrete) have been pressed in. The ruined brick building is from the Combat Zone set, mounted on plasticard, with moulded green stuff bricks added. I got the card pieces from: http://www.em4miniatures.com/acatalog/Combat_Zone_products.html The trees are Woodland Scenics pines that have had branches cut off and have been mounted on a foamboard base. And now back to exams revision!