Thursday 28 April 2011

Wargaming ww2

I have been building ww2 British/Russian/German/Italian armies for nearly a year now. I have built a reasonable collection of vehicles and infantry, (all the ones that are built and painted). More importantly, I have managed to set up my first game, using a ruleset based on the Stuart Asquith rules (Wargaming WW2). The Stuart Asquith formula allow for some interseting, fast-paced games, although due to their nature they are not very detailed. Nonetless they suited perfectly, as they took exactly 1 session to play, for a scenario I had composed.

The vehicles and infantry in the photo are a mixture of Italeri, Airfix, Matchbox, HAT, Pegasus Hobbies and Revell. The Green Morris 15cwt platoon truck in the top right corner, just before the Airfix Vickers VI B, is an Airfix conversion of the Bofors Gun and Tractor kit. I used mainly the contents of the kit, some plastic card I engraved, along with the Airfix Land Rover Soft Top with Trailer rear wheel arches and the benches for the rear as well as green stuff for the wood supporting structure of the rear. I may explain how I built one in another post, as I am building a British BEF battalion and as a result, I will porbably need quite a few!

1 comment:

  1. invitation see scratch models ,german in ww2 ; hand industrial model :
